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Only YOU Can Prevent Obama Care
If President Obama owned the New World Order Health Insurance Company, he would not be willing to insure an applicant with brain cancer nor would he be willing to pay an unlimited lifetime benefit to all insureds --- not without a premium that reflects the risks to his personal bank account.
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Unfair US Taxes And America's Move To Socialism
In this short article, I will cover many things, including health costs, poverty, taxes, communism, socialism, and fascism. I have never seen this information presented in this way, anywhere, so I felt compelled to give it to you straight - the real data in an easy-to-understand way that THEY don't want you to see!
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SAVING HEALTH CARE: What should it look like?
This article will help people understand exactly what a quality health care system would look like. If everyone of us work for the same goal we can accomplish just about anything, including a health care system free of government participation, free from ambulance chasing lawyers, free from the need for co-pay health insurance, and one that prospers because each individual assumes responsibility for their own health.
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Paying for Your Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is almost always an elective surgery unless there is an underlying medical reason. As such, your medical insurance is probably not going to cover it, which means you must.
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What the insurance companies aren't telling you about your premium
Although insurance companies offer peace of mind to the policy holders, it is important for all customers to remember that they are for profit companies, and accordingly your own personal interest is not their number one priority
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FIXING HEALTH CARE: Defining Health Insurance #2
This article will help people understand what “health insurance” really is, a little of how policies work and some of the problems inherent with these programs. More features will be discussed in subsequent newsletters.
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Health Insurance A Necessity of Todays Life.
Health insurance is an absolute necessity in todays World.
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Healthcare Help For Entrepreneurs? Health Savings Accounts-What They Are And Why They Work
If you are in business for yourself, you have probably already discovered that individual health insurance is extremely cost-prohibitive. You may think paying outrageous fees is your only option. Or even that you cant afford health coverage at all.What Are Health Savings Accounts?A Health Savings Account (HSA) is an insurance policy that was actually designed with the self-employed and the small business owner in mind. According to Mark Baker, HSA specialist for Gold...
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Affordable Individual Health Insurance - How To Control Your Own Insurance Costs
The need for affordable individual health insurance is becoming more prevalent because of the rising numbers of self-employed. Entrepreneurs are changing the landscape. Home-based businesses are growing at a phenomenal pace. The enormous growth of small business has generated a greater demand for individual health insurance. This is a first time experience for many of these new start-ups. Group health insurance is provided by the employer. The employee that is enrolled in the...
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Why Hiring a Virtual Assistant Makes Good Business Sense
Very few start-up businesses have the resources to pay employee related expenses such as vacation pay, health insurance, retirement benefits, etc. Ignoring the never-ending stack of paperwork could result in holding back your new business before it has even started.A possible solution could be to hire a Virtual Administrative Support Assistant. More and more people are turning to these highly skilled e-professionals for help.
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5 Top Things Baby Boomers Must Do Before Starting A Home Business
Don't quit your day job just yet. If you are a baby boomer looking to start a home business, there are 5 essentials things you must do first before starting your home business. Leaving the security of a job with established 401(k) plans, health insurance or other benefits can create a real tug of war for baby boomers who want to pursue their dreams of owning their own business. Analyze Your Exit Strategy At the time of this writing, the youngest of the baby boomer...
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The Truth About Health Insurance & Free Clinics
An increasing number of individuals face every day without the convenience of health insurance. Whether it be a job that fails to provide coverage, a lack of employment altogether or simply a lack of funds to pay for health insurance, many individuals are forced to search for alternative options when it comes to healthcare.The good news for individuals without health insurance is that many hospitals now offer convenient payment plans for treatments and/or surgical procedu...
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5 Top Things Baby Boomers Must Do Before Starting a Home Based Business
Leaving the security of a job with established 401(k) plans, health insurance or other benefits can create a real tug of war for baby boomers who want to pursue their dreams of owning their own business.
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FIXING HEALTH CARE: Defining Health Insurance #1
This is the first in a series of articles defining health insurance. Millions of people have the idea that health insurance is a necessity for better health and nothing could be further from the truth. Health insurance is a business and through these articles I want to help everyone understand this important fact. The insurance companies really do not care about your health they are interested in their bottom line and that is as it should be. There is a better way to deal with the fears and
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Insurance Is Investment For The Future
Of all the reasons why people invest in life and health insurance, the most important one is that they are worried for the future. An older man who married late would need to be sure that his young children will have something to live off when he dies. A man who works overseas all the time, under extreme danger from natural predators or security risks, wants to make sure that his wife will have something to live off when he passes. It could become essential to have health...
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Health Insurance Needs Worry Older Americans
Nearly 70 percent of older Americans endorse the concept of individual health savings accounts to help cover medical expenses in their later years, a new survey finds.
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Health Insurance Coverage
Health insurance is something that everyone needs today. The rising cost of visiting a health care provider or a hospital stay makes it imperative that everyone have some type of health care coverage. Government statistics estimate that over 40 million people in America are not covered by any type of health insurance on any given day. That's an enormous number of people who really are taking a financial risk.
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Fixing Health Care: Government Health Care Works?
Government run health care is not the panacea milions of people think it will be. This article talks about a real life example of the ineptness, graft, and corruption that will be government run health care if we allow it to happen. Soon we will be able to vote and we must vote correctly, not emotionally if we are going to stave off a world wide health care crisis. Nowhere in the history of the world has any government run health care plan worked.
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Canadian Immigration And Health Insurance
My purpose is to discuss the important information that you'll need to know if you are thinking about or planning on moving to Canada as a permanent resident. In this article, we're going to talk about some of the first things you need to do when you arrive in Canada as a permanent resident.
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Health Care Belongs At Home - Not In The Halls of Congress!
It's amazing to me how so many Americans have allowed themselves to be duped by politicians who claim they can provide health care for them. Do Americans not understand that their health is their individual responsibility? Do Americans understand so little about good health that they think it can be provided by a politician, or a health insurance company, or a doctor, or worse from taking a pill?
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What Is Long-Term Care Insurance?
As people begin to live longer, long-term care insurance becomes more important. Long-term care insurance helps provide for the cost of long-term care which can be incredibly expensive. It is used to cover those issues that are generally not covered by health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.There is often some confusion about what this type of insurance is used for and the people who use it. Consumers should understand that individuals who require long-term care are gene...
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Texas Group Health Insurance
Most people are generally covered under the group health plans provided by their own employer or by the spouses employer. Whichever way, coverage provided under the group insurance programs not only serves to control the medical expenses of employees, but also provides them with the security and peace of mind, which goes a long way in ensuring their loyalty towards the company.
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How To Save Money And Get Discount Health Insurance In Alabama
Health insurance is a big problem for most Americans, as you are probably aware. Even Alabamans who have group health insurance admit that for at least half of them their monthly premium is a severe strain on the family finances, and fully 16% of all residents of Alabama don't have any health insurance at all due, primarily, to cost.Obviously almost everyone here in Alabama is looking for ways to save money and get discount health insurance, and fortunately there are seve...
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How To Get The Best Rates On Health Insurance In Alabama
Health insurance costs are a hot-button topic right now. The problem is being debated at the highest levels of government and it's possible that someday a solution to this problem will be reached. In the meantime it is up to each and every one of us to do whatever is necessary to find ways of reducing the cost of our health care insurance on our own.Fortunately there are ways for you to reduce your health insurance costs and we're going to explore a few of them here.I...
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How To Get Cheap Health Insurance Online In New Jersey
Finding cheap health insurance online in New Jersey has become a quest bordering on an obsession for many people. Health insurance is expensive and it seems as if it is getting more expensive by the month. In fact, health insurance has gotten so expensive that almost 17% of all New Jersey residents are without health insurance of any kind.If you have children 18 or younger and you are unable to find any insurance that you can afford that will cover them it is possible tha...
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How To Get Cheap Health Insurance Online In Florida
Approximately 17% of all Floridians can't afford health insurance of any kind. Fortunately there are ways for you to stay insured or to get health insurance if you aren't insured now, even if you have little spare money each month.Let's start with your kids. If you have children 19 years of age or younger who are not covered by any health insurance even if one or more of them has a pre-existing condition it may be possible for you to get them very low cost state-spons...
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How To Get Affordable Health Insurance In New Jersey
Many people think the very idea of affordable health insurance is an impossibility. And it's small wonder when over 50% of all families in New Jersey admit that paying for health insurance is a severe burden on the family budget and almost 17% of all New Jersey residents are without health insurance of any kind because they simply cannot afford to pay the monthly premiums.There's no denying that health insurance is expensive, however, if you have children 18 years of age ...
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How To Get Affordable Health Insurance In Alabama
I'm sure you're aware that there is a national debate going on about how to make health insurance more affordable here in Alabama as well as elsewhere in the country. Unfortunately that same debate has been going on for decades, and until there is some relief on a national scale it is up to each of us individually to do whatever we can to get affordable health insurance in Alabama.Alabama is a leader in the country when it comes to certain types of state-sponsored low-cos...
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Affordable Texas Health Insurance - Get Insurance Cheap In The Lone Star State
Change is never easy, and amendments to Texas Law have seen the Health Insurance market explode with a multitude of health plan options. While more competition is always a good thing, it can sometimes be very confusing to consumers who want to get the best deal, but are confused by the sudden array of choice. There is also the added confusion that not all health plans have to contain all benefits, meaning you've suddenly got a whole lot of policies that may or may not con...
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Defining Health Care
Before anyone can understand the health care debate, one must first know what health care really is. There is no easy solution because too many people are looking for anything free from the government. The bold truth is that government has brain washed most people into think health care is the same as health care insurance. When we get government (politicians) out of health care the solutions will be incredibly simple.
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Health Care is not Health Insurance
It seems that whenever we hear a discussion of "health care" it is in the context of forty million people without health care and the implication is that "health care" equals "health insurance". There will be many articles to come discussing health insurance, but first, let's clarify what health care is because IT IS NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. Try as I might I cannot equate health care with health insurance and I have begun to realize that "health care" really means something different to everyone.